Thursday, May 3, 2007

Sushi o tabemasu

Today went back work to settle some outstanding issues for tomorrow. Hated work but no choice, it felt like a liability ever since I changed the environment. The boss is bad and mean. Never giving us credits for the things we’ve done, just plainly accepting it as what we are meant to do. Never really understand his intentions and don’t bother to understand him also. Hope tomorrow will be a better day till the end of the day.

Afterwards I went to SIM to submit my true copy of O level results as last time during my application I forget to bring it… Hahaha silly me… Alan accompany me to SIM as he is free and I hate being alone….. We caught up with some of my friends studying at SIM too, Ying Qiu and Samantha, they taught me what to expect if I’m going over to study there and also some things related to my course, which one to take to score to get my degree…. WOOHOO… Good to have best friends around me. People always say that one true friend is all you need but for me I got plenty of true good friends surrounding me, I felt honoured and so damn lucky.
Everything seems to go so fast, it is like just yesterday when we were still in Secondary School playing and chatting and with a blink of an eye, we are all grown up to embark into the society as adults. Sad for those whom I lost contacts and had been best friends and happy for those who accompany me to walk this journey. Really miss those happy-go-lucky days where you wouldn’t have to worry about anything and fun was always around. I mustn’t always look back to those days… I must look forward now as I going to university, it meant a great deal to me and cost my parents a bomb… Don’t want to disappoint them and waste their hard earn money (unseen pressure number 1) Next is that I always see my friends studying so hard, like day and night for months, it also make me afraid of going to university like it seems that I will lose my social life…… (unseen pressure number 2)

Lastly not forgetting dinner!!!! Eating dinner with my loved one, we decided to cook Japanese today. We went to Giant and Daiso to buy the ingredients to match our dinner. We cook Japanese rice, cheese omelette, Sashimi and REAL crab meat with miso soup….. What a sumptuous dinner!!! YEAH… and it only cost us 15 dollars for a well spread authentic Japanese dinner…. What a cheap way to go…. *wink

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