Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Hatred in the air

It has been a week of hate, uneasiness, weakness and uncomfort....

Since last week after the pulau ubin trip, i had a undying fever and terrible tonsils grinding at each other... A mouth on drought no matter how much water i drink.... All i can do is sleep and sleep and take some medications to rest my body... But no avail, ended up the next morning with an on/off fever plus sore throat.. By the end of the week, i had rashes even..... What the F*CK.. all come at one shot, making me miserable till the maximum... Till to add on the worst state... i hate doctors thus i didn't go to see the doctor till now!!!! Although my fever had gone down, sore throat subsided but the rashes remains as whenever there is heat uprising..... I'm tired of having rashes

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