Blog Archive
- Tai Tai days ahead No.4
- A hate message
- Love in practical society
- Disease in the air
- Hatred in the air
- SunSeaSand
- Singing paradise
- My cute niece
- Tai Tai days ahead no.2....
- Spot the difference...
- What a foul day i had today.... At first i still t...
- Your priority VS my priorities
- AWW's outing
- Road to Terabithia
- Sushi o tabemasu
- Trip to Ubin
- Finally
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Tai Tai days ahead No.4
Always enjoy playing mahjong with them but whenever play together... We need a whole body of energy to counter against the energy they release... It is like a pull and push factor, if not you will be overwhelmed by their auras.... *lolx
Thus by the end of the day, i feel so tired just after 2 complete rounds of mahjong... First round i am the overall winner but i did not brag about it as the punishment is still drink water.... There is something special about today as Ugly Wizard got his first time deficit in mahjong and the best part is we played normal mahjong not like Hong Kong mahjong whereby the one who throw the cards has to pay all the amount.... In order to be fair to the crowd and appease everyone... He had to drink an extra cup of water as a pay back to his debtors.... Since he is paying back obviously he is the ultimate loser and ended up drinking 5 cups of water... WOO HOO!!!
The next round we played the Hong Kong style, which is more challenging as i mentioned earlier (whereby the one who throw the cards has to pay all the amount). The Ugly Wizard keep winning like nobody business and he is very arrogant whenever he wins... From his name can tell that he is a bad person... hahaha.... I almost got deficit due to the loser pay theory but luckily managed to restore some chips back by the end...
The funny part comes in......
At the last match, Pig farm won, at first she win by 1 'tai' but her cards are damn nice as she got all the 'wan' inside but outside she ate a 'shuo' already... During the payment time to her, out of confusion, i removed the 'shuo' and put inside the dog pile... Ended up she got a full house of 'wan' plus 'dui dui' thus she had a 'man tai' underneath the surface.... *giggles* The one who throw the card is Ugly wizard and so he paid 12.80 in chips to her..........
But this doesn't end here...
As we were counting the chips to see who wins more.... I from the ground can see that Ugly Wizard wins the match but i pushed all my chips to Earthworm to make up the winning of her... *giggles* making her the ultimate winner, followed by Ugly Wizard, Pig farm and me.....
All these were done due to our kind-hearted Ugly Wizard for his blurriness and not being observant... But one credit is that this proves that he is innocent at heart and magnanimous attitude... I know you will be watching this Ugly Wizard thus i put you like an angel.. All the best in your examinations and nice playing with you...
P.S. He is not an ANGEL
Saturday, May 26, 2007
A hate message
Sum up: I hate you, I hate you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To my dearest
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Love in practical society
A very strong feeling of affection towards someone who you are romantically or sexually attracted to.
Definition of practical society
You describe the society as being practical when the people in the society make sensible decisions and deal effectively with problems. In other words, brain over heart....
Being in love in the current 21st Century, people often relinquish love just to gain power and fame, most of all money... Often they wants to feel romance but yet they aren't romantic at all.. All they care about is how to climb the coporate ladder, how to strike a big deal so can secure his rice bowl, mingle around socialites to gain popularity, earn this amount of money by this age...
I'm not saying being practical is bad but it depends on individuals.... I'm also not saying that setting a goal is bad.. Just be realistic then all will be ok...
As for me, maybe i still have yet to encounter life much... Thats why i'm always seems space out and not a very high and far target setter...
Love for me is quite sacred as i expect all the romance like romeo and juliet, accepting each other indifference, always be there for each other, thinking about each other all the time, always happy when we see each other, even a simple sms or call of concern, always trying to make one another happy, simple gestures like peck on the cheeks, looking in the eyes and say i love you, hugging each other to sleep, lying on the floor to see the stars, making food for each other, etc....
Maybe it is all dreamy and hard to find but an expectation is an expectation... Don't pin too much hope to it...
Thus being in this practical society, fame and power is very important, without them, don't even think about being in love
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Disease in the air
It has been a week of hate, uneasiness, weakness and uncomfort....
Since last week after the pulau ubin trip, i had a undying fever and terrible tonsils grinding at each other... A mouth on drought no matter how much water i drink.... All i can do is sleep and sleep and take some medications to rest my body... But no avail, ended up the next morning with an on/off fever plus sore throat.. By the end of the week, i had rashes even..... What the F*CK.. all come at one shot, making me miserable till the maximum... Till to add on the worst state... i hate doctors thus i didn't go to see the doctor till now!!!! Although my fever had gone down, sore throat subsided but the rashes remains as whenever there is heat uprising..... I'm tired of having rashes... Isn't there anything i can do with my skin, sometimes just feel like changing skin..
As a businessman, one way of striking a deal is to drink with your clients but i'm allergic to alcohol... I will get stupid rashes whenever i drink, liquoer, beer, sake, you name it, i've drink it... I will get rashes... HOW PATHETIC IS THAT... A guy who can't drink... How in the world... haiz....
Hope i get well soon... *itchy scratchy*
Hatred in the air
Since last week after the pulau ubin trip, i had a undying fever and terrible tonsils grinding at each other... A mouth on drought no matter how much water i drink.... All i can do is sleep and sleep and take some medications to rest my body... But no avail, ended up the next morning with an on/off fever plus sore throat.. By the end of the week, i had rashes even..... What the F*CK.. all come at one shot, making me miserable till the maximum... Till to add on the worst state... i hate doctors thus i didn't go to see the doctor till now!!!! Although my fever had gone down, sore throat subsided but the rashes remains as whenever there is heat uprising..... I'm tired of having rashes
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Singing paradise

Monday, May 14, 2007
My cute niece
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Afterwards went to TANGS to buy a new swimming trunks, hehe, felt my old trunk getting abit loose and cannot show my fullest figure... WAHAHHA... got a few of the colours to choose from, i chose a grey base with red and orange strip by the side... Quite a cool trunk and not safe like blue or black which i think most of the people have... Unique in another terms...
As today is MOTHERS' DAY... hereby wishing all the mothers beautiful and contented... Rushed back to meet my family for dinner at Bukit Timah Market as there have a variety of food to choose from.. and comparison to a restaurant it is much much cheaper... Bought my mum 2 cakes from somewhere... Forgotten the name.. lolx.. Nice cake though... Always ate the cake there... Then we head back home and rest... Rushing everywhere today... But eventful...
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Tai Tai days ahead no.2....

Spot the difference...

Thursday, May 10, 2007
Is it going to come to an end soon??
Is everything be on the right track for me soon???
Is everyone going to be supportive???
Can i get the job i want and hope for in the future????
Meet many people??
Or it all ends soon....
Feeling right now is just like sinking into a endless depth of cold water pool with silence all around.. All you see is the glistening of the light above shining through the water. Opening my eyes, unable to speak or move... Just keep falling...
Today is just a sad day.... American idol, Lakisha is voted off!!! OMG... *speechless*
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Your priority VS my priorities
Today was a tiring day for me as i've been busy the whole day, never felt so much intensity of work plus after-work hang out.... Hahaha... But it was never the less fun and fast to end each day with a boom.... Lets not talk about work and focus on the hang out!!!! Went to Raffles City with Ugly Wizard and shop and eat piper's pie and Ben and Jerry's Mango and Lime sorbet... Yum yum....
Comments on the piper's pie - it actually wasn't that wonderful as people review it was or maybe it was the outlet at Raffles City.... It costed me 7 bucks for an average size of pie but the filling were real i must say... Just not saucy enough, making it dry and not appetising... Compared to POLAR's pie... POLAR is much better! Sadly to say... Sorry folks, just my personal comments.... hehehhehe...
Sunday, May 6, 2007
AWW's outing
Today i play majong with my best friends, Ugly wizard, Lao Xuan and pig farm, it was fun and exciting as always but the price to pay for losing is drinking water. It can be said as a healthy way of life by playing majong.... Hahaha... Winner drink 1 cup of water, whereas the ultimate loser drinks 4 cups of water!!! Isn't that abit extreme??? Yap, thats our way of playing without using money and spoil our friendship.
Back to the game, at first i was winning but after the second round, i become the ultimate loser.... Drank water like there is no tomorrow..... Make me want to puke and pee at the same time..... The ugly wizard today under 'machine gun' spell, talk and talk and talk, if he wins then he talk alot still nevermind... Never win but talk and talk, feel like putting my shoe in his mouth... Lolx.... During the game, he had become everyone's common target which acts as a motivation factor to bring him down!!! Wahaha.. But it was all friendly, no friendship was damaged ^_^
After two complete rounds of majong, i decided to call it a day and go meet up with AWW gang for dinner and chat. Whereas the witches still want to carry on so they went to Ugly wizard's to carry on the madness....
Upon reaching citylink, we ate at the RAKU Ninja restaurant. It was quite elegant in interior design and most of all!! THE FOOD IS CHEAP...... Maybe next time onwards, we can have more gathering there instead... We saw A's bf, and chit chat throughout dinner, find him not shabby, quite a decent and nice fellow... Hope A will cherish him =] All the best to my A!!!! Afterwards went to play arcade at Suntec city, it was fun playing basketball and racing with them.... But my aiming skill sucks... lolx... Overall its the fun that matters and the part of playing together...
Then we moved on to second round of drinks at Xin Wang at Marina Centre, more chit chat and laughter.... Went home after everything around 0000HRS....
What an enjoyable day =]
Friday, May 4, 2007
Road to Terabithia
Came back home after the long day and do nothing constructive.... Just eat and sit watching tv and chatting with friends... How pathetic can i be.... Just then i found a movie placed at my home named 'Road to Terabithia'
It is a new movie out in the cinema but since i downloaded it, might as well.... The first look on the poster, you will feel that it is just another LC production and isn't worth the money to watch it.... BUT... you are seriously wrong... As a personal comment, it's good!!! Although the story in the end you will find it typical but it really shows how your imaginations can bring you through, the never happiness of friendship. It shows how the producer able to create such a imaginative realm for the adults to understand kids and for kids themselves to be involved. Not ceasing the heart-warming of the friendship and the sorrowness of departure. All i can say that, it makes me want to cry and feel sad... I must say good acting skills to the kids in the show themselves, they have shown the pure innocence of childhood and the competiveness of the society since young and how to cope and counter it. Bravo to Leslie and Jess.....!!! * sad* I give this show 3.75/5 golden popcorns... Great actor and actress and good plot... The minus are the typical story line and choice of certain scenes.....
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Sushi o tabemasu
Afterwards I went to SIM to submit my true copy of O level results as last time during my application I forget to bring it… Hahaha silly me… Alan accompany me to SIM as he is free and I hate being alone….. We caught up with some of my friends studying at SIM too, Ying Qiu and Samantha, they taught me what to expect if I’m going over to study there and also some things related to my course, which one to take to score to get my degree…. WOOHOO… Good to have best friends around me. People always say that one true friend is all you need but for me I got plenty of true good friends surrounding me, I felt honoured and so damn lucky.
Everything seems to go so fast, it is like just yesterday when we were still in Secondary School playing and chatting and with a blink of an eye, we are all grown up to embark into the society as adults. Sad for those whom I lost contacts and had been best friends and happy for those who accompany me to walk this journey. Really miss those happy-go-lucky days where you wouldn’t have to worry about anything and fun was always around. I mustn’t always look back to those days… I must look forward now as I going to university, it meant a great deal to me and cost my parents a bomb… Don’t want to disappoint them and waste their hard earn money (unseen pressure number 1) Next is that I always see my friends studying so hard, like day and night for months, it also make me afraid of going to university like it seems that I will lose my social life…… (unseen pressure number 2)
Lastly not forgetting dinner!!!! Eating dinner with my loved one, we decided to cook Japanese today. We went to Giant and Daiso to buy the ingredients to match our dinner. We cook Japanese rice, cheese omelette, Sashimi and REAL crab meat with miso soup….. What a sumptuous dinner!!! YEAH… and it only cost us 15 dollars for a well spread authentic Japanese dinner…. What a cheap way to go…. *wink
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Trip to Ubin
I should have come up with a contingency plan if plan A fails.... wasted!!!!!!! So i had to drag myself up the comfy bed in the cosy room to meet them in the moisture filled to the brim weather....
Upon reaching there, we swapped agenda and went for a movie treat instead...... GV Tampines, Spiderman 3 which is the damn popular show since yesterday.... But what i don't know is why is it so nice?? If I'm a fan of MARVEL or spiderman, i will be the one cursing and swearing..... As one of my childhood favourite character, i did manage to catch the series and i think the movie is abit twisted...... (not going to reveal which part *evil grinz*) But seriously i must give credits to the graphics and animations...... I give it 3/5 golden popcorn!
It's Wednesday, AMERICAN IDOL on the house..... Rock night this week by Bon Jovi... As for my favourite this season is Lakisha, oh my god, if she doesn't win, i really don't think there is real talent out there..... She totally nailed it today, making people 'something something'
She sang ' This ain't a love song' , i didn't really know what that song is about but she can bring the feelings to you..... DAMN... She's good!
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
What bothers me now is my university application. Due to the playfulness and lack of ambition to study, i didn't manage to get into a good university that i want. Ended up now, which is most probably is SIM. I didn't say that it is a bad uni or what...... Just it's expensive and don't seems quite prestigious compared to other university.... But what to do, blame myself for not looking far ahead of the future.... Will try my best to do well in uni and not waste the money being splurged and opportunity costs for working instead.... ganbatte!!!
P.S hope everyone will be alright and may love prevails~~