Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Love and Trust

Sunday i met up with one of my lovely friend, Hung, who just came back from overseas. As he is always flying around working and spreading unrequited love... Not sure am I using the correct word but ya... Your can visit his website to spread harmony and joy...

We talked about life and love... As he is an expert of love... (haha) thus he told me something regarding LOVE and TRUST.. I would love to share it to whoever is looking at my blog...

Love and Trust will/must coexist and people often mistaken that Love = Trust. Apparently after much thoughts, you will find that it is not true.... You can love someone and yet the things that he/she do can diminish the trust being built up....
For example, your boyfriend/girlfriend you love and adores deeply yet he/she is always late meeting you, regardless on how important the event or meeting is... You begin to lose trust in her punctuality and may start to hinder certain issues and magnifying certain issues and causing it from a minor to be a major...

On the other hand, Love and Trust will coexist definitely.... Maybe is because of the repeated environment brought up and media influences... You can't love a person without trust... Same thing as can you love a stranger? NO.... Furthermore can you trust him? NO... Also if you love the person, you definitely will trust him! Just like Titanic, whereby Rose and Jack on the stem/bow of the ship... When Rose trust him to let her feel that she is flying...
People often says that Love is blind, without logic to begin with so the only thing that each other can depend on is the trust they have in each other...

Finally to end my speech, i will conclude that love needs to coexist with trust..
Trust can be broken and rebuilt...
You can love the person and yet don't trust him/her in ways....
But breaking too much trust will destroy love....
Often it is up to individual on their principle whether to accept rebuilding of trust...

When someone you love betrays you, everything in your life seems wrong and useless

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