Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Men in all

Recently there is a post of local scandal by Jack Neo (JN), claimed to be the most successful movie maker in SG. It is regarding that he is having an affair with an actress even though he is married with kids...

The issue is not being that the actress is young or JN is old around 50... The case is that once guys begin to earn more, their mind starts to think of ways to enjoy themselves...
It have been proven so by many of my peers' folks irregardless of background likewise the entertainment industry..
It now comes to the final question... Can guys really be trusted??? Or should i put it this way, can guys be trusted once they are rich? Not being a paranoid or against marriage, it is just that everyone wants to happily ever after don't they... It also probes another question: ' So will you choose someone who is rich or someone who loves you only irregardless of his 5Cs.. ? '

Will you close an eye if you found your husband is cheating on you or will you end that marriage given the situation that he is the breadwinner and you do not have any backup plans along the way?